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Join Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) Today!

We have eleven chapters across America covering many states. Many people chose to participate in several chapters depending on their circumstances. You must join the National Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) to be a part of the chapters.

Use the form(s) below to join the Southern Trails Chapter.

Join National OCTA for $60 a year, plus Southern Trails Chapter for an additional $20 annually.

Already a member of National OCTA? Join Southern Trails Chapter for $20 annually.

Membership includes National publication of the Overland Journal and News from the Plains as well as the Chapter Newsletter and Desert Tracks publication. You’re invited to join in our Zoom meetings and regional symposiums as well as National Conferences.

$20 a year for Individual or Family Membership
$50 a year for a Sustaining Membership

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